Saturday, 26 May 2018

Vacay Throwback continued...

London calling...

Breakfast you really shouldn't be indulging in...       Who is the man in the Fez?

My Art Collector wonders...                             My Adaora sitting pretty.

Paris and her Cafes...

Through the countryside we go...

To be continued...In my old Nollywood voice...👵

Counting down to the Summer Vacay 2018

Hello World! Bonjour tout le monde!

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Walking through Schipol and to think this was the inspiration for MMIA Hmmn...

💃💃💃 It's that time of the year when we take a few weeks off (even when we don't feel we've worked hard enough) to take the time off for the year. So, on my Saturday chill day, i decided to post throw back pictures of vacations taken in the past...

✈✈✈ To Aberdeen we go...Tired but puleeessse Flying is fun so we smile

That huge laugh speaks volumes...

After a quarrel hug...

Friday, 25 May 2018

Self Appreciation Evening!

Cést Moi!

Seeing as i have quite a bit of time to spare this Friday evening, I decided to admire myself.
Yes, Vain much but that's Ok. I have me a good length of hair on my head if i say so myself.

My Champs Location Scouting! TGIF

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It has been one beautiful blessed week and finally it is Friday. Pay Day Friday for many,I hope? 😁😁 My Crew decided to explore and help me scout for a new shoot location
while having some fun in the process...
 Oh well, Schools out! So, have a fun one boys and hope you get to hunt me some crabs...
Aha! There you go, Pictures from their exploration adventure, Can you see the dab? 😁

Thursday, 24 May 2018

2016-2017-2018 How time flies!

Goodness Gracious!
Its been almost two years since i logged in.
What have i been up to?
December 2016 came and went by, 2017 came and went by and Goodness it is already mid-2018... Time truly waits for no one.
I hope this second half of the year is kind to you and brings you great joy and accomplishments in all areas of your lives.
Keep working on yourself...
Don't Stop!

Image result for bonne chance in french
 Bonne Chance!