Saturday, 9 April 2016

Wealth Poverty and Politics

Zac Goldsmith who has a 300 million pound inheritance
 is constantly hounded for running for public office with such a net worth.

Why do we always seem to hate on the wealthy? Whatever happened to aspiring to a wealthy status... From Politicians to Celebrities to neighborhood well off people. We all seem to look with scorn at the fabulously wealthy in our midst. In the UK at the moment, being wealthy and running for public office is fraught with challenges.  
The US elections countdown has also has its fair share of disinterest with the voters.
Wealth is seen as a huge disadvantage for any of the candidates with big business sponsored Politicians getting almost no love from the electorate. I sit here and ask myself. Why do we honestly seem to hate the wealthy few in our midst whilst we really aspire to their status?

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